Picsart Mod Apk and Adobe Lightroom Mod Apk Comparison

In this article, we will compare Picsart Mod Apk with Adobe Lightroom Mod Apk. Both these are widely used photo editing apps. There are multiple options available for photo editing. As 50% of world’s population is actively engaged on social media platforms and many others have opted photography as their profession, this photo editing has become an important aspect of people’s lives. Users active on these apps are constantly engaged in photo editing tools like background covers, applying frames and borders, changing effects and fine tuning their images.

Picsart apk vs Adobe lightroom apk

Picsart Apk

Picsart Mod Apk offers a variety of image editing tools. It gives various effects options, text overlays and content. Moreover, it also gives a comprehensive sticker library to meet the needs of users.

Adobe Lightroom Apk

Adobe Lightroom Mod Apk fine tune the photos and different exposures given to your photos. This editing feature allows users to revert to their original photo at any time offering a flexible editing.

Picsart Apk

PicsArt Mod Apk offers its users a social community where they can interact with other users and professionals and engage in different activities. Users can also share their creative ideas and designs. Moreover, users can also get update about different challenges within the community.

Adobe Lightroom Apk

Adobe Lightroom Mod Apk being part of SaaS and Adobe Cloud Ecosystem, integrates with Adobe Photoshop and Camera Raw. This integration helps users to synchronize editing on multiple devices. It also offers a Cloud storage making users to access data from cloud on any device.

Picsart Apk

PicsArt offers a freemium model which allows users to use both free and paid versions of this app. As free version offering limited features, users can also subscribe to its paid version to access to various tools and options.

Adobe Lightroom Apk

Adobe Lightroom requires subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan including both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. This paid model offers its users to a wide range of tools for their professional work. It might be less attractive to some casual users who find it difficult to use paid versions or use budget friendly apps.

Picsart Apk

Picsart gives a polished and lively user interface which is very easy to navigate. After logging in to the app, users find a menu bar located at the right side of the main screen which allows them to easily locate and explore their desired tools and features within the app.

Adobe Lightroom Apk

Adobe Lightroom offers a professional and streamlined user experience. It mainly focuses on more organized workspace where you can focus on your editing and designing process without any difficulty.

Picsart Apk

PicsArt offers its users a versatile editing experience including collage creation, drawing and active community. It caters to individuals who enjoy experimenting a wide range of effects. You can share your creative work and designs to community and can get valuable feedback from professionals helping you in your photographic journey.

Adobe Lightroom Apk

Adobe Lightroom most distinguishing feature is its “Selective Edit” tool enabled by “Control Points” feature. You can enjoy a precision editing with this app. This tool offers a more accurate adjustment to your photo. Adobe Lightroom also supports RAW files which ensures a superior image quality and flexibility in your entire photo editing experience.


The choice between Picsart Mod Apk and Adobe Lightroom Mod Apk mainly depends on your need and preferences. This comparison between two apps makes it easier for users to take decision.

If you are going with user friendly interface with multiple editing options and an active social media community then Picsart would be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you want precision photo editing, integration with other Adobe applications and a professional work experience, Adobe Lightroom is the best choice. Picsart is the best option for both new and professional users as well.

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